Monday, December 21, 2009

Skype can route calls

In addition, Skype can route calls through computers of other users. This allows you to connect with each other to users located behind a NAT VoIP Czech Republic or firewall, but it creates an additional burden on users' computers and the channels connected to the Internet directly VoIP Belgium.

The only central element for Skype is the authentication server, which stores user accounts and back up their contact lists. The central server will only need to install the connection VoIP Austria. Once the connection is established, computers, forward voice data directly to each other (if between them there is a direct connection) or via Skype-mediator (superuzel - a computer that has an external IP-address Skype hardware and open TCP-port for Skype). In particular, if two computers inside a local network established between Skype-connected, the connection to the Internet, you can stop, and the conversation will continue until its end users or any failure of communication within the network.